Old Unijan Prayer

0 Četvrtak, 18.04.2013

Old Unijan Prayer

From Clara Rerecich: My grandmother Mattea Radoslovich Carcich (nonna Mattieta) used to live with us in Trieste during the winter season. So I could spend with her a lot of good time. She was a good comrade. As soon as I asked her “Will you come with me?” She answered “ Here I am” So I drove her here and there, she loved to travel on my Fiat 500. She was a good walker and we really walked a lot. Once I took her in a nice old Cafè and she appreciated a lot the “atmosphere” sitting on red sofà, sipping her coffe and eating cakes. When I was younger she taught me an italian prayer (never heard before).
I remember this prayer but I’m afraid I missed some words. Maybe someone knows it better, anyway it goes like this:

Vado in letto
con l’angelo protetto,
con l’angelo di Dio
con il santo che porto io,
con i 12 apostoli e
i 4 evangelisti.
Acqua santa che mi bagna
Gesù Cristo mi accompagna.
Brutta bestia fora de mi
Gesù Cristo sta con mi.
In te la casa e in tel letto
Gesù Cristo benedetto.

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